Chronic Pain
TMS & Neurocare & Psychiatric Services located in Chicago, Crystal Lake, Hinsdale, Wheaton, and Skokie, IL

About Chronic Pain
If you suffer from chronic pain because of a physical or mental health condition, a noninvasive solution is available at Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers in the River North neighborhood of Chicago, Crystal Lake, Hinsdale, and Wheaton, Illinois. The board-certified psychiatrists and TMS specialists offer chronic pain management using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and other highly effective methods. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request one online today to learn more.
Chronic Pain Q & A
What is chronic pain?
Chronic pain is a symptom of a physical or mental health issue. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, ranging in severity from mild to severe, that’s long-lasting. It might feel like mild aching, sharp pain, or as burning, numbness, weakness, or tingling sensations.
Chronic pain may come and go or be constantly uncomfortable. It’s often a symptom of an underlying medical problem and can severely diminish your quality of life when not addressed. See the Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers team to achieve relief.
What can cause chronic pain?
Numerous factors can contribute to chronic pain, including:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Chronic diseases
- Parkinson’s disease
- Substance misuse
- Illnesses
- Eating disorders
- Tourette syndrome
- Stroke
- Aging
- Some medications
- Nerve damage
- Unhealthy lifestyle habits
Ways to reduce the chance of chronic pain include taking all prescribed medications as directed, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, eating nutritious foods, and maintaining an ideal body weight. Minimize stress and see your doctor at the first sign of new or unusual symptoms.
Determining the root cause of ongoing discomfort is the best way to eliminate it. Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers specializes in treating pain caused by mental health challenges and chronic diseases using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy.
How do I know TMS is right for my chronic pain?
To know if TMS is the right treatment for your chronic pain, the Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers team gets to know you by reviewing your medical history, medications, lifestyle, symptoms, current diagnoses, and family history of diseases.
Your specialist provides physical and neurological exams and orders additional diagnostic testing if necessary.
To screen for mental health disorders, they complete a psychiatric evaluation by addressing your moods, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
How does TMS therapy reduce chronic pain?
TMS therapy uses magnetic fields to alter nerve cells in your brain. Your TMS specialist places a coil on your head while you relax. The coil emits magnetic energy into specific parts of your brain responsible for pain control.
You might feel tapping or clicking sounds during your treatment, which typically lasts 20-40 minutes. You often undergo TMS five days per week for 4-6 weeks to achieve the most benefit.
Additional treatments for chronic pain may include taking medications, making lifestyle changes, and undergoing therapy. Your Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers provider follows up with you to ensure effective, long-lasting symptom relief.
Schedule a chronic pain evaluation at Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers by phone or request one online today.