1-888-59-MINDFUL (1-888-596-4633)

Why Mindful TMS?

The first group in Greater Chicago pioneering in precision or targeted TMS or nTMS – Neuronavigation guided rTMS, iTBS and SAINT Protocol, with dTMS with special coils for MDD, OCD, and smoking cessation. 

What Makes Mindful TMS Different?

We believe each patient has a unique life experience that brings them to consider TMS as an option for their health. We know how challenging it is to struggle with a mental health concern each day, and how difficult it may be to make a choice regarding your well-being. Our goal is to meet each patient where they are through our patented mindful approach.

Is Mindful TMS for Me?

If you experience the following, Mindful TMS therapy is likely the right choice for you.
  • You still have depressive or OCD symptoms even after trying multiple medications.
  • Medications leave you tired and drained.
  • Symptoms or drug side effects are interfering with relationships, leisure activities or your career.
Is Mindful TMS For Me?

Precision TMS at Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers

Brain research had suggested that poor neural connections between the prefrontal cortex (the brain region involved in decision-making) and sub- genual cingulate (a region in the inner brain that regulates emotions) may contribute to depression.

Location Matters

• Until recently, neuromodulation (TMS) has been an imprecise therapy. • We at mindfulTMS use neuronavigation for precise targeting of the rTMS therapy and we also provide the dTMS therapy for Depression, OCD and Addictive Disorders.

  • Until recently, neuromodulation (TMS) has been an imprecise therapy.
  • We at MindfulTMS use neuronavigation for precise targeting of the rTMS therapy and we also provide the dTMS therapy for Depression, OCD and Addictive Disorders

“We have a rough idea where the brain circuits involved in depression are located, but we have to recognize that every individual has a unique wiring diagram, that’s why neuro-modulation strategies that target a specific region won’t work for every patient.”

- Michael Fox, M.D., Harvard Brain Science Initiative.

The Mindful Experience